Got Costume?
Have you been ignoring those evites and actively avoiding Ricky's? Z's got your costume needs covered:
For the Ladies: When you want to get a little slut on, but don't want to be yet another hookerish Dorthy/Little Red Riding Hood/Snow White/Nurse/French Maid - Be Tara Reid!

You're preggers and not sure how to hide it? Flaunt it lady by sticking a bun in your oven for all to see:
For the balding and/or 'husky' dudes (works for the little ones, too): Yoda!!! There was a kid in my hood last year sporting the below get-up. I loved how his badass self stood out among the Suess/Spongebob/Spidermans so much, I gave the hot little bitch a bowlful of candy:
Speaking of hot bitches, it's the one night of the year where it is completely acceptable to dress up your pooch. Enough of the hotdogs/bumblebees and the like. My bitch would don this to show how super I think she is:
And then there's always the classic Chick Magnet. I've seen this one done countless ways and it never ceases to amaze/make me laugh:
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