Z. Madison

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The Donald Strikes Again

The man, the hair, the ego...THE DONALD. Love him or hate him?

Love him.

Here's a guy that follows my mantra "Carpe Diem." No opportunistic venture goes unseized for this guy. Running out of buildings to slap his name on in the city, he's recently set his sights northward towards our innocent suburbs.

First, there was the erection of his luxury housing in White Plains. Now comes his "charitable" contribution for the suave manipulation of local zoning laws to complete the project. The Donald is generously donating "436 bucolic acres" for a new state park that will be named for - shocker - himself.

The new Donald J. Trump State Park will provide the residents of Putnam county a place to kick back, The Donald and his buddy Pataki jovially proclaimed.

Lest you think our modern day Gorden Grieco's lost his touch, the original plans were to open yet another golf course. When the local gov officials showed some spine, (and profits at nearby jersey course were threatened by cannibalism) the plans were tweaked to be a public park broken into two main sections - one in Putnam and one in Westchester.

Ever humble, The Donald meekly admitted, "I can't put a price tag on the 436 acres, but I can tell you this would not be open space but for Donald Trump."


At 9:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

call me a midwesterner with nothing to do but I love his TV show Apprentice.


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