Cheetah, You Slut!

Study: Female cheetahs sleep around
In case you missed it, the key highlights of the article include:
"Mating with more than one male poses a serious threat to females, increasing the risk of exposure to parasites and diseases," said Dada Gottelli, ZSL's lead scientist for the research.
"Females also have to travel over large distances to find new males, making them more vulnerable to predation, so infidelity is a heavy burden."
I'm thinking CNN's intern wrote this article as most any female college sophomore could spout the same learnings from experience. So I decided to dig deeper to see just what else we 20something ladies share with the frisky felines:
- *Female cheetahs like their men to smell good. The Wildlife Conservation Society, which oversees all New York City zoos and aquariums, concluded the spotted ladies residing in the Bronx Zoo prefer Calvin Klein Obsession for Men as their favorite male cologne. My first boyfriend in college wore just that scent...coincidence?
- *The Times Online (UK) chimes in: While female cheetahs are [sexually] receptive, males try to monopolise them. Our results demonstrate that males are often not successful in monopolising a female.” Bravo spotted ladies, bravo for strutting that independent spirit.
- *"Cheetahs hunt by sight. Once the desired prey is sighted, the cheetah silently stalks it, until it is within 50 - 100 yards of it. Then it explodes into action, and chases its prey across the savannah." [Lioncrusher] Substitute "savannah" for any bar or club late on a Saturday night and you just described a typical 20something mating ritual.
- *Although they may mate several times a day, the act of copulation itself lasts only a minute or two at most. (cough, cough)
- *Cheetahs do not roar, but they do purr, hiss, whine and growl. Sounds like most females I know...
Labels: Felines, Fun Animal Facts, Slutty Cheetahs