A Reminder To Help Keep You Cool

We bitch it's too hot. We bitch it's too cold. Hell, we're NYers; we just like to bitch.
For when you're relaxing at home or killing company time - Z. Madison's here for you.
He's been leaving me messages on a nearly daily basis for the past two weeks. Today alone he left me two. One was all puppy dog and baby kissing. The other was dark and sinister touting his fighting ability. Any day now I expect to see him lurking at the entrance to my subway stop.
OK, OK I get it! David Yassky's running for Congress and needs my support in the primary on 9/12. Babies and postal employees beware - if this barrage of bulk mail in late July is any indication, this is going to turn into one nasty election season.
To be honest, David seems like a stand up guy. According to his copy, Yassky's trying to tame the beast that is the waterfront development plan in Brooklyn, won't be bullied by the NRA, sued Exxon for that oh so nasty spill in Greenpoint and best yet - He's worked for Chuckie Schumer. Not too shabby, Yassky. But I'm loving his caption on the sinister mail piece:
"The Republican Congress is bad. The President is worse. We can't take much more."
You tell 'em, Yass!
*"Upgrade Your Whereabouts": Divine direction to "get your regular cup of joe down in the financial district" Wall Street types have money and hang out in the area? OMG, Who knew?!?
*Stalk the penguin-suited at a charity event. If the letches don't pounce, you can always load up on the free booze and rubber chicken.
*"Matchmaker, matchmaker Make Me A Match!": Pay for some hag to hook you up with a guy who's already in the market for a gold digging wench.
*"So if it's a thick wallet you're after, consider life as a luxury real estate broker, a concierge at a five-star hotel or even a flight attendant--on a private jet, of course." Hey, it's worked on Trump...
*"Like sports? Who cares. Sporting events at the country club--like golf opens or tennis tournaments--are a must for singles seeking wealthy mates." What, the Bleacher Creatures with their $5 seats and snuck-in brewskis aren't good enough?
*"Never approach him; let him approach you. "Wealthy men in particular like to earn what they're getting," she explains. "They like to fight for it, rather than have it drop into their lap." Take that, Diana Bianchi!
*Monica knew best: "Get Political! Join both parties if you must," suggests Sayles. "We're not talking about morality, we're talking about opportunity."
Bryant Park can keep their outdoor showing of Rocky, because the place to be is Red Hook this summer. Beginning next weekend, Brooklynites (and friends thereof) can jaunt on down south of the BQE for The Hook's own version of a drive-in movie theater.
I'm already thinking of packing a picnic and my easy fold camping chair to view E.T. under the stars at Coffey Park on August 26th and sauntering over to Valentino Pier for a waterfront showing of Pirates Of The Caribbean on September 23rd.
And the best part? Before each feature, Hook Productions will present short films produced by neighborhood teens who're vying to become the next Spike Lee or Scorsese.
One of my bedtime routines is Dave Letterman's George W. Bush Moment Of The Day. The video clips are a hilarious lullaby to send me off to lala-land. Recently, Dave compiled a Top Ten of these impromptu W mishaps. I'm not sure how I missed this gem when it first aired, but youtube has saved the day.
I've hit play a few times for #5 "Confused Stare" alone. Enjoy!
For the out-of-towners, yes, that little orange thing is a ticket. The Man done got caught being double parked a half block from his own station.
Lesson: Do not fuck with the ticket-happy NYPD.
thx curbed
This just in from www.1010wins.com
It's Friends and Family Time at Kate Spade:
to find answers to your questions or contact us, visit our customer care section or write us at:
attn: web customer service
48 w 25th st.new york, ny 10010
The first few bars of the Metallica tune always provides me with an intense sense of calm because I know what's about to run out from the bullpen. Mariano Rivera earned his 400th save today. As Jeter said post game, "He's arguably the best closer ever."
So congratulations, Mariano, you've had a helluva week. Congrats on saving the AL's win in the All Star Game on Wednesday. Congrats on opening your restaurant Thursday. And congrats on the incredible record met today.
PS - Due to the Yanks sweeping the White Sox (who play in the fiercest division in baseball) and Bosox blowing their series in typical style, the Bombers are now only a half game back. I'm already anticipating a dramatic Subway World Series.
I've had the pleasure [talent?] to work at a few of the the top 10 ad agencies. The people I've worked with have, for the most part, been smart, savvy, creative, detail oriented and diligent in their work. We deal with millions of dollars a day and are making and breaking deals left and right. You've got to be on top of stuff.
but it was nethertheless, an uncanny resemblance.
Perhaps it was fate as I've been reading all these blogger posts about bathroom etiquette lately. Or maybe it was just dumb luck. Regardless, Ladies Please!
PS - For the record, the poorly printed sign reminding us to flush was taped above THE HANDLE on the wall in back of the toilet.
Move over Santino, Daniel V and AhhhhnDRE!, because there's a whole new cast of designer wannabes making their, undoubtedly dramatic, debut tonight on Bravo. That's right, dear readers, it's once again Project Runway time! So, in the words of Tim, "Make it work people!"
The new kids on the block just waiting to hear their Auf Wiedersehen:
UPDATE: from today's Daily News -
"Season three of "Project Runway" premiered on Bravo last night, but a tragic accident marred the finale of the Heidi Klum show.
Designers compete for $100,000, a car and other prizes, while their model wins a spread in Elle magazine.
Hungarian model Jia Santos (whose real name is Eliza Jakubek), 18, became one of the three finalists. But near the end of taping, she was struck by a bus while riding her bike to the show's location in the city.
"She was dragged underneath the bus," her agent, Avenue Models' Javier Hernandez, told us yesterday. "She fractured her skull and her eye socket and was in critical condition for three days. Now she has been in intensive care for a month."
Her first words upon waking up, Hernandez tells us, were: "Am I still on 'Project Runway'?"
Santos still appears in the show, and her accident is explained during the finale. Hernandez said she was modeling to support her parents in their Hungarian village.
"Everyone from the show has been really supportive and offered their help to get her parents a visa to visit her in the hospital and work on a benefit for her," he said. "
While I am very happy to be working in SoHo, I've yet to figure out the best way commute from Brooklyn. Both the Spring Street and West 4th Stations plop me virtually the same distance from Hudson and Houston. I've been taking the C from Jay St. because it is one stop shorter than the F to West 4th. Today, there was 'police activity at Canal St.' so I stayed on the F.
I'm also a 'pre-walker' so I hung to the South portion of the platform, exited at West 3rd and headed west on Bleeker. Here's where it gets dicey and I lose all inner-compass credibility: I made the dastardly mistake of turning on Barrow from Bleeker and entering into the Bermuda Triangle of the West Village.
I should have known better. I STILL have to take a cab from West 4th/6th Avenue to get to Chumley's on Bedford and Barrow, even after nearly eight years. The streets just make no sense south/west of the grid. Wherever the damn horse went and the farm plot ended, they threw down some cobblestones and called it a road. But, I digress...
So now I'm on Barrow and (wrongly) thought I was going southwest. I could tell something was amiss and made another left at Chumley's. It wasn't for another few blocks when I spotted the rainbow flags of Christopher Street that I knew I'd screwed up. Ah, but Christopher dumped into Hudson! I was saved!
Or I would have been had I taken a left instead of a right. I couldn't tell which was east and which was west (I know, I know - well now I know, that Hudson runs north/south it's why I couldn't find the sun - my compass when exiting foreign subway stops uptown). In my defense, the West Village is not where I've spent a lot of time. I'm much more an East Village kind of girl. So here I am, in a section of town that I just feel is not right when I spot West 10th Street then Charles and then "motherfucker!" I give up.
I turn to the nearest pedestrian who happens to be a girl my age walking a dog and shamefully ask which way is Houston. She's in black. I'm in black. I'm embarrassed and she can tell I'm embarrassed. She, and I swear her little dog, smirk at me and point in the opposite direction. I smirk back nodding my head 'of course it is' and toss her a 'thanks'.
Why didn't I just walk down 6th Ave to Houston? I had to go trying to save time by zigzagging, and ended up zagging myself 6 blocks north of my original route. Silly me. Well, you've gotta get your tourist on sometimes, right?
I'm taking the C tomorrow.
The Boyfriend and I had plans to catch the game at my local neighborhood bar conveniently located downstairs and a door over from my apartment, but walking by and seeing it so packed that people were literally pressed against the glass and swarmed 20 deep around the outside TV, we walked on in search of a more comfortable spot to cheer on Italy. After six vain attempts at over crowded spaces, we by chance, ran across a tiny tapas place that was showing the game via a projector against a blank wall. The clientele was mixed in their French/Italian loyalties, but hipster by definition. The bloody marys were strong, the olives sour and the seats comfortable.
I have three conference calls tomorrow and no voice to now speak of. I cheered myself hoarse in this nail biter and bitterly lambasted the French star, Zidane, when he viciously head butted an Italian player and earned a red card. While the yells of joy and outrage were even in the crowd on a play by play basis, all of us screamed approval when in the middle of the action, the camera cut away to a boisterous William Jefferson Clinton hobnobbing in the VIP box.
Stepping out into the blazing sunshine ia euphoric state when the final winning penalty goal was made, I was immediately reminded of why I love my neighborhood. While sauntering down Smith Street, the pubs and dive bars spilled forth buzzed and buzzing soccer fans. We all congratulated one another and as we walked, I admired all the Italian flags draped from the windows of the apartments above. When we got to Robin de Bois, I felt sad for the sulking smokers set against a proudly displayed French flag. That is until I heard the ruckus coming up the street.
There were three SUVs and one convertible. All looking like an Italian Flag blew up on them. Rowdy, likely drunk, men in their 30s were hanging out the windows and surfing the roof of their vehicles, screaming like the Brooklyn Dodgers were coming back to town and St. Torre had signed on to coach. As they weaved up the street, all the sidewalks' habitants threw up their arms and cheered them on. The convoy abruptly stopped in front of Robin de Bois and upon seeing the offending flag, rolled up a spare blue jersey and threw a touchdown pass smack at the middle. To add insult to injury, the crowd roared approval. More cars came streaming up Smith all bedecked in orange, white and green, horns honking, balloons and flags blazing.
As we made our way back to the original bar destination, these impromptu processions became more constant. Happily back at Hanley's, we squeezed our way past the sea of blue jerseys and "Italians Do It Better" T-shirts to a seat in the back yard overlooking the action on the corner and at the "social club" across the street where the Sicilian Grandpas were BBQing. After inhaling an amazing burger and salivating over the ribs that had been cooking on Hanley's grill all day, we knew it was time to wrap up the festivities when an ambulance, sirens blasting, came roaring down Court St. waving an enormous Italian flag. How can you top that?
So congratulations, my Italian friends. Thank you, and France, for an amazing game and wonderful afternoon.
PS - Anyone know if the Yanks won today?
Some guy is cruising up and down the block with the rallying call by way of a horn that plays the Godfather theme.
The above are two of the new Louis Vuitton spreads for the Fall 06 campaign. Ms Moss looks hot, no? Glad to hear that Marc and Calvin (back where it all started, Kate will also star in Klein's new fall layouts) had the cajones to let you do your job. Beautifully, I might add.
PS - Pharell Williams is looking quite dapper, as well...
Cold Sweat is made with a blend of Dave's Insanity Hot Sauce and Blair's Megadeath Hot Sauce, along with a secret ingredient. Chile peppers, habaneros and Thai chiles are then stirred in. It's so spicy that just touching it makes your fingers feel hot.
Yep, you read that right. Nasty right? But you just know that a few testosterone laden lads will line up to egg each other on to try the stuff.
Among the first daredevils to taste the delight was 22 year old Justin Smith. The AP wire reported that he vomited after one spoonful.
I have a secret: I've been watching the World Cup.
Maybe it was the dwindling lame duck days at the old job with all the long lunches, but I found I watched more once America had bit it in the first round. It could have been the trip to Montreal. Or, perhaps it's due to living in a decidedly Italian neighborhood and hearing the roars coming from the bar downstairs after the two late game winning goals yesterday.
Regardless, I've been keeping tabs on the footbol tourney's stats. And I'm psyched for the match up on Sunday night when the Frenchies take on the Eyetalians. But which team to root for?
I greatly respect both countries. They tie in culinary skills. Both nation's men are reputable lovers. The wine is a draw as well. Each offered up a taste of brutal dictatorship. I wouldn't be able to decide which designer duds to covet more. Dolce & Gabbana or Dior? Paris or Rome? Pan de Chocolat or Tirmasu? Decisions, decisions...